Catalogue of CSIRO Torres Strait Datasets

This milestone report presents a catalogue of information for the most significant and updated data sets, metadata and map compositions for the Torres Strait region, which may be suitable for inclusion in the Torres Strait eAtlas. The datasets included in this catalogue are described more fully in three previous reports. Pitcher et al 2004 collated all CSIRO seabed survey datasets prior to 2004 and integrated them to a common level of seabed habitat classification. Those datasets providing the broadest coverage of Torres Strait are included here. Pitcher et al 2007 conducted new surveys of the Torres Strait seabed habitats and constituent biodiversity. Datasets providing distributions of seabed species, species-groups, assemblages and habitat types are included here. Haywood et al 2007 collated all CSIRO coral reef survey datasets prior to 2007 and integrated them to a common level of classification. Those datasets providing the broadest coverage of Torres Strait coral reef fish & coral assemblages and habitats are included here.
This catalogue provides a summary for the following Torres Strait datasets:
- Biophysical characterisation of Torres Strait seabed
- Species richness of epibenthos
- Species richness of benthic fishes and mobile invertebrates
- Predicted distribution of Torres Strait seabed species
- Predicted distribution of Torres Strait seabed species groups
- Predicted distribution of seabed assemblages of Torres Strait
- Observed distribution of seabed substratum types in Torres Strait
- Observed distribution of seabed biological habitat types in Torres Strait
- Predicted distribution of seabed habitat types of Torres Strait
- Predicted distribution of Torres Strait seabed species from video
- Observed average cover of live coral on Torres Strait reefs
- Observed average cover of seagrass on Torres Strait reefs
- Distribution and density of fish families on Torres Strait reefs
- Species richness of reef fish communities on Torres Strait reef sites
- Torres Strait reef cluster membership based on biologically important environmental variables
- Observed seabed substratum type
- Observed seabed epibenthic garden habitat
- Observed presence/absence of seabed seagrass habitatÂ
- Observed presence/absence of seabed algal habitat
- Predicted distribution of seabed substratum type
- Predicted distribution of seabed epibenthic garden habitat
- Predicted distribution of the presence/absence of seabed seagrass
- Predicted distribution of the presence/absence of seabed algae
- Predicted seabed habitat cluster membership distribution