This gallery highlights some of the scenery of Torres Strait. Much of the photos are taken from helicopter.
Aerial view of Zuizin Island (Halfway Island) in Torres Strait.
Bet Reef and cay in the central Torres Strait is only one of some 1300 reefs in the Strait
Approach to Boigu with the community settlement on the left.
Settlement at Boigu Island. Being so close to Papua New Guinea the water is permanently muddy!
Aerial view of Booby Island in the far western Torres Strait. Access to this remote light house is only by sea or helicopter.
Frank Loban at the helicopter pad at Booby Island, Torres Strait.
The light house at Booby Island guides shipping from the west into the Torres Strait. The light house still operates but the residences have long ago been abandoned.
A wind, tide and wave-swept Channel Island in the western Torres Strait.
Aerial view of the logger site at Cherepo Island, Torres Strait, one of our long-term temperature monitoring sites.
Helicopter on the sand spit at Cherepo Island
Helicopter on the sand spit at Cherepo Island. Frank Loban.
Aerical view of Coconut Island and surrounding reef in the central Torres Strait.
Aerial view of picturesque Coconut Island
Aerial view of Coconut Island and surrounding reef in the central Torres Strait.
Coconut Island runway
Communications tower at Warraber Island
Dauan Island near Saibai in the northern Torres Strait.
Community settlement on Dauan Island next to Saibai in the northern Torres Strait.
Chopper refueling at Dauan Island
Dowar Island in the easterns Torres Strait.
Aerial view of Dowar Island and Waier Islet. These are the jewels of the Torres Strait.