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Published on 13 November 2021

This dataset summarises benthic surveys of Western Torres, Torres Strait in December 2020 into 3 GIS shapefiles:
(1) The site shapefile describes (a) seagrass presence/absence, (b) species composition, (c) algae cover and (d) benthic macro-invertebrate cover at 542 sites.
(2) The meadow shapefile describes subtidal seagrass communities.
(3) The interpolation shapefile describes variation in subtidal seagrass biomass across the survey area.

Published on 9 November 2021

This dataset summarises intertidal benthic surveys of Kai and Gariar Reefs (Orman Reefs, Torres Strait) in November 2018 into 3 GIS shapefiles. (1) The site shapefile describes (a) seagrass presence/absence and (b) species composition at 124 sites. (2) The meadow shapefile describes seagrass communities for the two reef-top meadows. (3) The interpolation shapefile describes variation in seagrass biomass across sites for the two reef-top meadows.

Published on 8 November 2021

This dataset summarises benthic surveys of seagrass for Dugong and Turtle habitats at Orman Reefs, Torres Strait. The site data describes seagrass coverage estimations at 279 intertidal sites; while the meadow data groups sites into six (6) individual meadows. Data captured includes information on visual estimates for seagrass species, substrate, biomass, diversity, percent cover for benthic macro-invertebrates and algae.


Published on 8 November 2021

This dataset summarises intertidal benthic surveys of Kai and Gariar Reefs (Orman Reefs, Torres Strait) in September 2019 into 3 GIS shapefiles. (1) The site shapefile describes (a) seagrass presence/absence and (b) species composition at 124 sites. (2) The meadow shapefile describes seagrass communities for the two reef-top meadows. (3) The interpolation shapefile describes variation in seagrass biomass across sites for the two reef-top meadows.

Published on 19 May 2021

A later version of this dataset exists published 2019-01-18, accessible through the data links on this page.

This dataset contains records of sting events and specimen samples of jellyfish (Irukandji) along the north Queensland coast from December 1998 to March 2017. This dataset contains an extract (265 records in CSV format) of the publicly available data contained in the Venomous Jellyfish Database. The full database contains approximately 3000 sting events from around Australia and includes records from sources that have not yet been cleared for release.